Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th

So! Happy Friday the13th! How many is that this year?
OH! And, day 2 of school down, only 178 more school days left! If I had the spare tme, I'd totaly count weekends too, but the school already says that we have to go 180, so let's count down from that! 
Well, as far as my classes go, I'm doing pretty good. I don't dislike teachers yet, but I'm really going to have to push myself to the limit, and that's a lot of how I'm to become a better me.
People always tell me that I give this amazing advice, and all I can think of is "I've never actually gone through any of this" especially when it comes to Boy Advice... Ooooh, the big macho caps on that. But this past few days I've been totally pulling all of the weight of that on my shoulders, and add on a ton of stress, I'm not a strong enough person to handle all of this.

Only God is big enough to handle stress and weight that is not yours, and then yours too. If you give it all to God you'll be free.
I've always been so strong, I've always been the one everyone turns to and finally I
Under so much pressure, you finally just snap, and you break and you crumble, and I  hit that point. I broke, and it got to the point I just hurt so much on the inside. I ached to be that little girl again who could just let it all go, to be care free, but at the same time, if  I was care free, would I know how to love?
Oh the questions that rake my mind.

Song of the Day: Atlantic by We the Living

Word of the Day: attar *AT-er* Definiton: perfume or essential oil obtained from flowers or petals.

Mood: Hanging in after that huge break down.

Singing in the London Rain,